Sunday, August 23, 2009

Itsy Bitsy Yoga

Yoga brings parents new ways to calm, soothe, and nurture their baby/toddler. It can give your baby a strong and healthy foundation that will last beyond the preschool years.

As a parent, finding the right class and with a professional with specialized training in yoga for babies and toddler under age 4 is vital for a safe and enjoyable yoga class experience. Itsy Bitsy Yoga makes it easy. To learn more about the class that is most age-appropriate for your child, visit

Just look at what it's done for our little grasshopper. She decided to show off her yoga talents last week at Tom and Carolyn's home while her daddy was upstairs playing RockBand. Isn't it just adorable?!


2momswithaplan said...

I love yoga! I didn't realize they had yoga for babies... thanks for the link. I'll have to check it out!

Leah said...

So precious. :-D I came across your blog from another blog I read, and I'm so happy I found it! My husband and I just started the adoption process, and it's fun to find other blogs that touch on adoption as well. :-D

Jen said...

She is adorable and quite flexible. I wish I did yoga when my kids were that little. I wish I did it now actually..

Kim A said...

Hello, I just stumbled by your blog from BlogHer, and I just want to say that I love it! I love your humorous posts.

Headed off to check out a few older posts!