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Yesterday was a wonderful day (minus the pee incident). We hosted our Creative Memories event and Kensington was able to meet/see many new faces. Jackie and Jamie got their Kensi fix for the day, and are all ready in line for Wednesday's outing when I bring her to the office during lunch to meet the gang. Kensington got to play with her gal-pal Kat. They're already fighting over which one of them will get the best couture and walk down the runway first. It's tough. They're both gorgeous.
A couple week ago, I posted an entry about a great little contest that Brian and Steve had over at Book Dads, where someone could win a copy of "A Day With My Dad At The Beach" and our friend Nancy B. won it. Congrats!!! The cool thing is, Nancy gave the book to little Kensi yesterday at our gathering. Thanks Nancy, you're the best! I encourage everyone to check out Brian and Steve's site. They have another contest going on for two different books, Savvy by Ingrid Law & Rocket Man by William Elliott Hazelgrove.
As we were winding down the afternoon, Cindy had Miss K sleeping in her arms. I decided it would be best to change her before putting her in her car seat and heading to our next destination. So, in Dan's cubicle I laid down her changing mat and started to go to work. And so did she. Ha Ha. They all got a chuckle when she started to pee as I began to change her. Awe... this sucks. All over the changing pad and her cute little outfit. No worries. We brought additional outfits in case of any pee/spit up incidences. I grabbed her (diaper 1 off, diaper 2 now wet) and start to wet wipe her and take off her wet outfit (yes... she's a gusher). I now have her naked and clean, and all of a sudden I feel warmth running down my leg. Cindy, Kate and Laura literally scream with laughter. I too start laughing and then sudden fear struck me. I also need to pee and I'm laughing so hard (because I just got pee'd on in front of two of my employees - ones that will never let me lives this down), and I have such a weak bladder I knew that I would soon follow Kensington in her escapades. Thank God Chris rushed to grab Kensi (thanks team for your support) and I was able to avoid another embarrassing moment [which brought back memories of me peeing all over myself in High School, while on stage performing because I broke character and started laughing so hard I just started peeing, everywhere. I blame the large Dr. Pepper I had an hour before that from Burger King, as well as Beth, Amy and Dawn. I LITHTJB].
I already received a text message at 2:17 this morning that read "pee pee pants" and another one that said "how are you doing pee pee pants". Anyone looking for a job because I now have two openings on my team. No experience necessary. (Who's laughing now!)
So, it was off to Macy's to buy new jeans. As I go to pay for the items, I tell the associate that I don't need a bag, "I'm going Green". "Sir, I'd feel better if I could bag this for you. For security purposes." "Thanks, but really, it's a waste... you see (as I have the diaper bag covering me), my daughter pee'd all over me and I'm about to go into your changing room and out these on."
"Oh my..., well let me take off all of the tags and I'll give you a bag anyway to put your old jeans in".
I let her win.
I AM LAUGHING MY ASS OFF!!!! Ahhhh, so worth the job hunt.
I love you Mr. Pee Pee Pants.
Cute story Mr. Pee Pee pants.
funny :)
Thanks for mentioning the contests guys. The contest for Savvy ends tonight.
Freakin hilarious!!! I'm crackin up over here!!
I just found your blog...hilarious!
Hah...I'm so glad I saw you afterwards with the new jeans and not the old ones. It was great seeing you guys and Kensi.
Way to go Mr. Pee Pee pants...
teehee mr. pee pee pants
cute story :)
Just wait until she barfs down your shirt. Now THAT is a good time. :D
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